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Body Type:
refers to the general configuration or shape of a vehicle distinguished by such characteristics as the number of doors, windows, cargo-carrying features (fastback, sedan, hatchback)
refers to a name that a manufacturer applies to a group or family of vehicles within a make which have a degree of commonality in construction (such as body, chassis, cab type).
refers to a name that a manufacturer applies to a group of the same type, make, line, series and body type.
 refers to a name that a manufacturer applies to a group of vehicles or engines.
Model Year:
refers to the year used to designate a discrete vehicle model, irrespective of the calendar year in which the vehicle was actually produced -so long as the actual period is less than two (2) calendar years.
plant where manufacturer affixes the Vehicle Identification Number.
refers to a name that a manufacturer applies to a subdivision of a "line" denoting price, size, weight identification and that is used by manufacturer for marketing purposes.


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